Monday, October 18, 2010

Election update outline

Gwen Moore-(Dem) Wisconsin House of Representatives
                     -Served in Wisconsin Assembly 1989-1992
                     -Served in Wisconsin Senate 1993-2004
                     -BA from Marquette University, 1978
                     -Born 4/18/1951 in Racine Wisconsin
Gwen Moore -Has served in the US House of Representatives since 2004 after
            defeating Republican DA Gerald Boyle in the general election.
           -She is the second woman and first African American woman
            elected to congress for Wisconsin.   

Gwen Moore-has served on Committee on the Budget
         -has served on the Committee on financial services
Gwen Moore-has served on subcommittee for:
                      -Capital markets, insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises
                      -International Monetary Policy and Trade
                      -Oversight and Investigations
Republican Nominee:

Dan Sebring-(Rep)Wisconsin Small Business owner (Sebring’s garage)
                    -Write in candidate in 2008 vs. Gwen Moore, in a brief 6 week stint, 
                      received 483 votes.
                    -US Navy veteran (1983-1987) assigned to Chief of Naval Operations and
                     Intelligence staff at Pentagon
                    -Assigned to Naval Reconnaissance center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
                    -Received commendation (Army Letter of Appreciation) from Army Chief
                     of Staff.

Dan Sebring-decided to get involved in politics in 2008 after realizing that the
                     Democratic incumbent Gwen Moore was running unopposed.
                    -He ran primarily because of unhappiness at the economy and unemployment
Dan Sebring-Has no experience in politics, and no college degrees.

Independent Nominee:

Eddie Ahmad Ayyash-Born in Amman, Jordan in 1970
                                   -Has lived in the US since 1989
                                   -Is a small business manager and Civil Engineering student at  
                                   -No political experience
                                -Is running for the Coalition on Government reform due to
                                 dissatisfaction with both Rep-Dem politics.

In regards to this election, the only chance of Incumbent (Dem)Gwen Moore losing would be by being caught in some kind of scandle. She has almost $500K to promote her campaign versus about 35K split between the other two candidates.  She also works for a district that is rated 4th in the United States per capita in low income/poverty level families, and serves them families strongly with promoting Medicaid/Badger care as well as many social programs promoting job training for unemployed low income families.  She proudly runs on her voting record of Universal Healthcare and the federal Stimulis plan and locally strongly opposes the KMR commuter railway plan until MCTS budgeting gets worked out. She has also done human rights protest in Darfur, Sudan to draw attention to human rights violations in the Darfur/Sudan conflict.  As for her voting record, she seems to vote the party line, with the exceptions of a handful of bills that never left the committee table.  With all this being said, her opponents have almost no political experience and even less political connections.  It is this reason that I come to the opinion that Incumbent Gwen Moore will handily maintain her seat in the House of Represenatives on November 2nd.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nice little article on how and why the Incumbent usually maintains their position.

This is a good article that shows the mountain that candidates have to over come to unseat an incumbent.  Represenative Gwen Moore has nearly $500k to use for campaigning to maintain her seat versus her challenger Dan Sebring's $28k.  The article also mentions a few of the issues that are being debated like unemployment, and foreclosures.  There is also a few mud-slinging attacks at the end of the article over finances amongst the canidates.  Which will get worse as the election draws closer to election day.  My favorite part of these articles is reading the comments by the readers.  You can learn alot of truths and falses by reading these posts.  Incumbent Gwen Moore has attacked challenger Sebring about him being unable to manage his own finances, however a reader searched into Rep. Gwen Moore's financial history and found she too has had financial problems of her own. See below, posted by a Jsonline reader in comments section.  Just another way to dig deeper into our candidates histories.  I did not follow the link nor did i check the challengers history because i believe he has admitted to a bankruptcy and an issue with back taxes in this article and others.

Visit the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access page and do a search on
Gwendolynne Moore.;jsessionid=09B9B5752A9A47
It will detail statements made by hrdtruth....forclosure, lawsuits.....